Category Archives: Travel


Can You Tell…Which is the Statue and Which is the Mime?

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There are many Statues in Florence, Italy.

Can you tell which is the Statue and which is the Mime?

Guess Number 1 or Number 2 and click here to email me for the answer.
Statue or Mime?

Number 1: Statue or Mime?

Statue or Mime?

Number 2: Statue or Mime?

Everything Was Beautiful in Monte Carlo…

Even the fish!

Monte Carlo, France

Monte Carlo, France

Amazing Caprese Salad in Sorrento, Italy

The tomatoes and fresh mozzarella are the real deal in Sorrento, Italy.

from Sorrento, Italy

from Sorrento, Italy

Looks Like the Nassau Coliseum

No wonder why the Islanders are moving to Brooklyn!

Coliseum, Rome

Coliseum, Rome

Check Out Monte Carlo at Night

What a beautiful site Monte Carlo, France is at night. Do you agree?

Monte Carlo, France

Monte Carlo, France